Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1 of 31: 31/4 challenge unedited

Today is officially, day 2 of my 31/4 challenge. I have no intent of doing anything truly epic with this challenge, except to blog every day about it. Here is the challenge. (and yes, this will be unedited and unfiltered.
31 work outs. 31 flavors. 31 blog entries in 31 days.
I am already behind as this is blog entry number 1 on day number 2. However I am about to rectify that! So, without further interruption. 1 of 31....
Vacation! Staycation! Yes!!!!!! so today starts my Staycation. I will be off from work from October 2 through October 17. I intend to have something accomplished by the end of my vacation. Here are some of the items I wish to have accomplished (aside from my workouts).
Scuba Certification Dinner cruise Quidam (anyone want to go?) Haunted Lagoon Run 1 mile continuously. (yes, for those whom do not know, this is a difficult thing for me. I can swim til the end of time, but I am not and have never been a 'runner'. If I am going to compete in a triathlon in May, I must start somewhere. Find a tablet for me. Find an iPhone for my mom. (Yes, I am making it my challenge). lose one pants size impress my doctors
This is a work in progress, so I am not worried about the completeness or lack thereof on this blog list. Everyone will be able to read what I am up to. Workout 1. 1/2 hour swim. 24 hour fitness. 2am. Flavor 1. Chicken Chipotle Bistro Box at Starbucks.
While not looking like much, I must admit, for a $6.95 quick lunch on the go, she does things right. Given my newly sensitive pallet post surgery, its difficult to find something quick to eat on the road. This little buddy has become my go-to snack/meal when I am at work and on the road. It travels well, keeps relatively well, and suprisingly enough has great flavor. I made this flavor number 1 because its the first item that I truly "liked" post surgery that both I and my doctors seem to agree on. The spice is there. Not overwhelming, but enough spice to let you know its there. The salsa kicks up the whole concoction and makes the wraps at least a whole level of complexity better. Yes, its not Zaratez Mulitas or will never be considered top level cuisine, we gotta start somewhere, and here it is.
Whole-wheat tortillas, white chicken strips, pepper jack cheese, lime-cilantro slaw and tomato avocado salsa. Dark chocolate.
Starbucks website link

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